What God says about depression....
" Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD ." - Jeremiah 17:7 Depression has become a widely experienced season of life for countless individuals. Although it is still seen, by and large, as a taboo subject, depression is slowly becoming a more popular topic of public discussion with the rise of mental health awareness on a vast number of fronts. In the Christian world, many have expressed that the Church has not performed particularly well over recent decades in talking about and dealing with the depression issue. For many, the belief has been that Christians should never become depressed, and if one finds his/herself in a depressed state, then his/her faith or spiritual condition is in question. Does the Bible have anything to say regarding depression? Certainly it does! God understands us, after all, Jesus walked among us. He understands depression because He Himself walked in a season or two of it! Depressi...