My response as a pastor to the Charlottesville mess (and ongiong racial tensions everywhere)...

Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them."

"If our country had a biblical worldview, society would realize that there's only one race, the human race, started through Adam and Eve in Genesis. We all have 1 common set of parents "In the beginning..." From that point on, different skin pigmentation formed through melanin in the skin, but color doesn't mean new "races" formed. We're the human race, created by God in His image." 

This was part my Facebook status this morning but I felt the need to expound just a bit more on the issue.  As pastors, we have an obligation (dare I say a calling) to speak to the moral, cultural, and societal issues of our day and respond to those topics from a biblical worldview.  Perhaps the pulpit isn't the best place to broach certain things, but we still must speak to them as we are ministers of the Gospel and of God's Word in this world.  The vocation of Pastor, and all that that encompasses, can't be taken lightly or be misused.

These are my thoughts as I understand the Bible and as I pray for guidance from the Spirit to speak to such a polarizing issue like racism:
As noted above in Genesis, God set the precedent for what the human race would be - 1 race.  Nowhere in Scripture does God say man will be purposefully divided specifically by "race" or skin color.  Racism, racial segregation, etc. were never a part of God's intention for mankind - we were 1 race through the procreation of the first parents, Adam and Eve.
After Adam and Eve and some time, mankind became exceedingly evil and it was constant: "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5)  Thus, the Great Flood of Noah took place per God's judgment.  After the catastrophic, global flooding event, the human race started over with 8 people - Noah and his family.
As they populated the earth and the people began to spread out, new nations of people were formed (Genesis 10), but there was still one common language.  It wasn't until the nations came together and stopped spreading out (as they were commanded by God) to build a mighty city with a massive tower at Babel to display their might and power.  Their sin of great pride led God to curse everyone with "confused language" (Genesis 11:7).  This forced the people to spread out when they had chosen to disobey God and settle.  From that point on, various cultures or "people groups", along with customs and traditions were developed....but never is there one indication that new "races" of people were formed, much less created by God.

Why do I say all this?  What does it have to do with racism?  Just because there are different cultures, languages, people groups, traditions, etc. existing in this world, we are all still of the same race - the human race - both the Bible and science prove that!
Race is a fabrication of the devil.  The Bible makes clear that Satan "came to steal, kill, and destroy."  (John 10:10)  Knowing this, I ask then, what is one of the oldest military tactics in the book for destroying a people?  Divide and conquer.  If you can separate a society or even get them to fight themselves, all that's left in the conflict is the victory party.  The Bible also tells us that Satan is the "father of lies" (John 8:44) so the lie of "races" is the perfect way for Satan to steal the comradery, kill the family, and destroy the human race by having us believe that we're all separated by skin color and cultural differences.
We even play along with this lie - we're born to notice color.  We call each other white, black, brown, and then we get into applying different nationalities or countries to people, even if they aren't from those places, all because of how they look.  When we fill out applications, when we take tests in school, etc. we have to designate our "race" and/or "nationality."  We tell jokes with 'racial slurs' and use derogatory 'racial names', even if it's 'all in fun' and 'we don't mean anything by it.'  And then we wonder why all we see is color.

The answer to the problem of racism in our society (and in this world) isn't blogs, or Facebook rants, or Facebook Live videos, or Instagram memes, or news media wars, or government hatred, or protesting, or mobbing, or counseling, or even sermons (although sermons are a start).  The answer to this problem is the Gospel.  IF THE HEART OF MAN REMAINS UNCHANGED, THE SIN PROBLEM, INCLUDING RACISM, WILL NEVER BE DEALT WITH AND ELIMINATED.  This world thinks the answer is solely found in 'having a conversation', protesting, more love, education, shaming the opposing side, or changing our behavior.  None of these solutions will have lasting effects because the heart of man remains unregenerate; unchanged.  To overcome this evil, repentance and faith/trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is the ONLY solution.  When the heart is made new, then we can begin to see true change.

In Christ, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."  (Galatians 3:28)


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