What does Jeremiah 29:11 really mean for me?

Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the most, if not the most, misquoted and misrepresented verses in all of Scripture today.

It was never meant to be read for individuals, speaking 'to me' as a promise 'to me,' but rather the context was to the Israelites who were going to endure Babylonian captivity via the judgment of God for their many ongoing sins. God promised them a future and a hope, guaranteed, even promising to "prosper" them as a nation, BUT not until after 70 years of heartache, pain, and captivity (read Jeremiah 29:10).

Now, does God have "plans to prosper" and "thoughts of peace" toward His people today, the Church, even plans to "give us a future and a hope?" Certainly, it's the very thing Jesus guaranteed. But this promise is future and it is for the whole. This isn't a promise to be taken for me or for an individual person.

The Christian life, more times than not, involves more suffering and heartache than "prosperity" and "peace." (Be very aware and careful of these buzz words being thrown around by many tv preachers).

So, the next time you come across Jeremiah 29:11, or the next time you hear a sermon on it, realize there is indeed a future, guaranteed hope, there is future peace, and there is certainly a grand plan being orchestrated by God Himself. But getting there may involve our own "70 years" of difficulty and trials. Don't lose hope in the promise of God. Just realize it isn't about the here and now and it isn't about individuals. It's all much bigger than that.


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