J.O.Y. - Jesus, Others, You

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."
-Philippians 2:3-4

We live in a time where our kids are being taught that they are #1 in everything.  In today's society, there are no losers, only winners.  There is no second place, only first.  There are no rewards or trophies for hard work and simply being better, but rather we have replaced these achievements with participation ribbons and rewards based on any level of effort given.  Everyone is king in his/her own universe.  My goodness is this mindset so contrary to Scripture!

Self esteem is one thing.  We should never bully or mistreat people but rather build each other up.  We should also love our enemies.  

However, the point here with what the Apostle Paul was inspired to write to the Philippians goes along the line of Christian humility.  As Christians, pride and arrogance should be as far from us as the very sins Jesus covered with His blood - as far as the east is from the west.  
To this, Paul wrote, "Don't do anything for selfish or conceited reasons." (my paraphrase)  Instead of living this life using others to get what we want, we should "consider ourselves others better than us."  How opposite of a mindset this is than our culture today!  

Our society would say this is crazy.  'No, you look out for #1 first.'  'If it makes you happy, do it.'  'Nobody is the boss of me.'  And on it goes.  Jesus says put others before yourself and put God above all of them.  In other words, the order of importance for the Christian should be Jesus, Others, and then You.  When you put those three, in that order together, you get JOY.  It's a joyous thing to not be the center of your own universe.  

When we put God and others before ourselves, we truly live in the center of Christian discipleship - to be a servant as Christ served us.

Reader, how are you doing with this?


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