You are gifted by God!

“So, you shall speak to all who are gifted artisans, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron’s garments, to consecrate him, that he may minister to Me as priest.”  -Exodus 28:3

Moses was in the middle or receiving instructions for how to worship God.  God was giving His people the Law and as a part of that Law were a plethora of guidelines on how He was to be approached in worship – namely sacrifices, proper attire for priests, and various elements pertaining to the new Tabernacle.
As a part of the instructions, God told Moses to gather all of the “gifted artisans.”  These craftsmen would be responsible for developing the many articles of clothing for the priestly garments, per God’s designs.  It’s interesting to note that these “gifted artisans” were gifted, not by their own abilities or skill, but that their skills, or their “giftedness,” was specifically given to them from God.  God said, “…speak to all who are gifted artisans, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, that they may make Aaron’s garments…”  The gift or ability to artfully craft the garments, through embroidery and other methods, was directly given to these individuals by God.
How often do we take credit for our own gifts and talents?  Sure, we have to put in a certain amount of work and practice to hone those skills and become better at them, but who gave us that ability to begin with?  God Himself.  Now, some people on this earth are just flat out gifted; even seeming to give very little to no effort in their excellence of exercising that gift.  Regardless of skill level, the very ability to do anything with any level of skill was first given to us by God. 

Believer, you are skilled.  God has gifted you in something.  If you’ve already discovered that gifting, who are you using it for?  To glorify yourself?  Others?  Or to glorify (point and give credit to) God, the Giver of all gifts?


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