Thoughts from Malachi (from Dr. Tony Cleaver)

(*The following is from an article written by Dr. Tony Cleaver, a family friend of mine, BMA Seminary professor, Director of Distance Learning for BMA Seminary, and retired US Army Chaplain.)

Malachi 1:5 - “The Lord is great, even beyond the borders of Israel.”

We Christians are sometimes provincial and territorial in our view of God, the works of God, and His involvement in our small planet. At times Baptists might think , “God is a Baptist and deals only with Baptist interests.” The same can be said of Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, even Independent Churches of all stripes. The Lord is great, even beyond the smallness of our denomination.
He is great beyond our city, state, even our nation with all its peculiar nationalistic views and policies. God is at work. He has many servants. This multitude of servants might not be of our denomination, culture, or nationality. The hand of God is at work in our world--in real time-- though we might not accept it as His greatness. History is replete with His work. Current, right now kind of time, shines with His greatness beyond the borders of my little world. After all it is His world. He created it. He acts in it today.


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