Are you living for the future?

READ 1 Kings 21:17-29
In this historical account in Israel's history, a king named Ahab, mostly known for being married to his wicked wife Jezebel, was an evil king.  We're even told by the writer of 1 Kings that "There was none who sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited.  He acted very abominably in going after idols, as the Amorites had done, whom the Lord cast out before the people of Israel." (v.25-26)
Being labeled as a guy who "sold himself to do what was evil" even more than others before him is quite an indictment.  Ahab had failed miserably as a king.  But something even more tragic occurs in this account - something which would have generational impact.  Due to the continued sins and abominations of Ahab, although he repented and was forgiven by the Lord (v.27-29), Ahab's sons would experience the judgments and consequences of their father's sins.  Whoa!
We tend to believe that our sins are between us and God, or our only our sins to answer for; as if they have no effect on anyone else.  Wrong!  Our sins aren’t always ‘just personal’ or isolated, having no effect on others.  In fact, in many situations in the Bible, the ‘sins of the fathers’ had repercussions to generations after them, on their kids and grandkids.
Christians, we must be aware of this.  Living righteously for the Lord through the guidance of the Spirit and the Word isn’t just for your benefit, but it’s also for the great benefit of others.  How you live today effects your kids and grandkids of 'tomorrow' and could/will have a bearing on their future.


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