The Old Testament Priests and Jesus

I'm currently reading a book entitled "God in Our Midst: The Tabernacle & Our Relationship with God" by Daniel R. Hyde, and wow, has it been a great read!  In this book, Hyde lays out in vivid detail the parts of the OT tabernacle, along with the garments of the priests, and the significance each has in the grand story of the Bible. 
So often when one sets out to read the Bible, the reader will make it into Exodus and really slow down; even fall asleep.  If a reader happens to make it through all of the chapters regarding the construction and materials of the temple, they will almost surely surrender by the time they reach the priestly wardrobe.  It isn't until the student of the Bible truly comes to realize the significance of these seemingly mundane details that these often skipped and/or neglected chapters in Exodus truly come to life!
One chapter, in particular, that Hyde covers is Exodus 28.  In Exodus 28, the reader is given the materials and ensemble that would make up the priestly garments.  I can hear you jumping for joy right now through the computer screen......
But I ask you to hold on just for a second and check this out.  Hyde notes the following:

"But what benefit did the priests' ministries have for the average Israelite? The priests were separated from their fellow Israelites by their calling, as well as by where they lived in the camp, but the Lord did not intend for them to be of no value to His people. By paying close attention to what the Lord said about the array of garments the priests were to wear, we can see how the Israelites were able, by faith, to receive the benefits of the priesthood. Three such benefits are revealed in Exodus 28: their names were remembered, their sins were removed, and they were reconciled. Once again, we learn that these same benefits flow to New Covenant believers through our Great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ."

Isn't this amazing?  I would encourage you, if you haven't already, to read the entire book of Hebrews.  Brace yourself, for it is a theological mule kick to the face, but you will glad you did, especially if you follow the OT references used throughout Hebrews and make the connections.  The Tabernacle, the various instruments used in Tabernacle worship, even the priestly garments, aren't there by accident or simply for mundane details that God wanted to include to bore us.  These details are of great significance because, as you can clearly see above in Hyde's commentary, even the weird stuff the priest wore points us to Jesus and what He does on behalf of believers!

So, reader, the next time you come across the 'tough stuff' in the OT, such as Exodus 28, Leviticus, etc., ask yourself how that points you to Jesus.  If we dig into the Word, the treasures we will find there are of eternal benefit!


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