Who is the Holy Spirit?

"But you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His."  -Rom. 8:9 (larger context, v. 1-13)

Who is the Holy Spirit and what does He do?

I would like to first mention that this post will not be an exhaustive account of everything the Holy Spirit is and does, but this is simply a surface-level character sketch.  God the Holy Spirit is a great wonder to the human mind, not one we will ever totally be able to figure out on this side of glory.
Before I launch into answering these two initial questions, I first need to note what Christians confess about the Holy Spirit and then briefly explain what the Holy Spirit is not.
Our general confession:
1)      God has eternally existed as Three-Persons
2)      The three Persons of the Holy Trinity are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
3)      These three Persons are individuals, not different modes of God
4)      God is the Father, God is the Son, and God is the Holy Spirit
5)      God is all three Persons at one time
6)      God the Father never became the Father – He always was
7)      God the Son never had a birth – He always was
8)      God the Holy Spirit was never created – He always was
9)      God is the Holy Trinity; although there are 3 distinct Persons, God is still 1 – they are not three separate gods

10)   God has eternally existed in perfect love and fellowship within the Trinity; therefore, God is a relational God because He has never existed alone

From this understanding, we note a few things about what the Holy Spirit is NOT:
1)      The Holy Spirit is not a force
2)      The Holy Spirit is not an emotion or a feeling
3)      The Holy Spirit is not a knowledge or thought

4)      The Holy Spirit is not a mode of God

With these things in mind, let's proceed.
On the day of Pentecost, in the book of Acts, God the Holy Spirit was sent and for the first time in human history, God indwelt human beings.  Before then, God housed Himself in a tabernacle and then in a temple, but after the finished work of Jesus, God promised to house Himself through the Holy Spirit in believing humans.  If you are a born-again believer in Jesus today, God literally dwells in your heart by the Holy Spirit.

In Rom. 8:9, the word "dwells" is used to point out that upon faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit "oikeos" the believer - this is to say He "resides; houses" within the believer's body.  In more literal words keeping in line with OT understanding, the Holy Spirit "tabernacles" within the believer.  The tabernacle in the Old Testament was what God had the Israelites construct to house His Spirit – in the Holy of Holies, the deepest part of the Holy Place, God’s Spirit would live among the Israelite camp.  When the Temple was constructed, it was the same scenario.

When Jesus came and died on the cross, we’re told in the Gospels that the temple veil was torn in two from top to bottom, displaying that God had opened up direct access between Him and human beings who had His Spirit.  When we repent of our sins and believe in Jesus for salvation, the Holy Spirit comes and houses in us permanently.   Therefore, we always have direct access to God because He’s right here in our hearts.  This is unique ONLY to believers.

In conclusion, Romans 8:1-30 points out several aspects of what God the Holy Spirit does for the believer:
1)    He erases our condemnation in God's courtroom of Judgment. (v.1)
2)    He frees us from sin and Hell.  (v.2-3)
3)    He credits the Law's requirement of holiness to our account.  (v.4)
4)    He enables us to please God.  (v.5-8)
5)    He transforms us into new people.  (v.9-13)
6)    He confirms our adoption into the family of God.  (v.14-15)
7)    He applies Christ's inheritance as heir of all things to us.  (v.16-17)
8)    He guarantees the redemption of our bodies.  (v.18-25, 28-30)
9)    He helps us in prayer.  (v.26-27)

The Holy Spirit - such an incredible gift from God the Father!  That God, in His Triune glory would so choose to indwell believers through His Holy Spirit is mind boggling!  Christian, realize today Who lives inside of you and what He accomplishes for you.  He is a blessing beyond belief!


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