God's faithful sovereignty

We live in a society that, for the longest time, has promoted both directly and indirectly the belief that an individual is god. You are the god of your life and I'm the god of mine. Anything I choose to believe and live by, that is somehow my own truth and code and my truth is always right. The same is true for you. Furthermore, there is no standard of morality, justice, or righteousness because we have permitted ourselves to be both judge and jury of our lives.
We live through our feelings first and our minds second.
All of this creates a combustible concoction prepared for chaos.
When man is sovereign, he neither sees nor believes there is a need for God.
It is equally remarkable and tragic that we as a society have become so self-absorbed that we believe and trust in our own sovereignty. We have cast God aside - our Creator, the Divine, the Almighty Jehovah God, Yahweh, the omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent One in the heavens. The arrogance!
Our lack of faithfulness to our Creator God is the result of sin - the will of mankind is bent on rejecting God, His laws, and His sovereignty. We are a faithless people.
The good news in spite of all this, is that God remains faithful.
This world is lost in sin and it's citizens serve Satan as their master. The opposite however, is true of those who have been called by God through the Gospel, have been drawn by His Spirit, and have repented and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their only hope of forgiveness and salvation - the redemption of their lost souls. To those who are saved, their Master is God.
Romans 9-11 is a section of some of the heaviest teaching in all of Scripture. In these chapters, you will find detailed accounts of God's plans for both Israel and for the Gentile world, namely in terms of redemption, and you will discover how faithful God is while exercising His own sovereignty over all things. His ultimate will will be done.
Briefly, I would like to give an overview of these three chapters, highlighting key themes and teachings from each. If one takes the time to truly study Romans 9-11, God's sovereignty and faithfulness to us, despite our faithlessness and rebellion toward Him, shine through like Solomon's Temple in the sunlight.
· God is faithful, sovereign and just
· God’s sovereign choice is motivated by His ultimate plan
o God doesn’t choose people based on social status or works
· God’s sovereign choice demonstrates His power
o The truth that He can choose to use however He wants in whichever way He wants
· God’s sovereign choice illustrates His grace
o Sinners have no right to accuse God of wrong
o Sinners being allowed to live shows God’s patience
o Sinners having a chance at salvation shows God’s mercy
· God’s sovereign choice proves His promise to save
· God’s sovereign choice is salvation by faith alone
· Religious sincerity and passion do not save
o The Jews were sincere in following the law but that isn’t what saves them then or now
· Salvation is found by confessing Christ as Lord and believing He is alive.
· Israel has rejected God but He has not totally rejected them.
· God has temporarily hardened the hearts of the majority of ethnic Israel for a time due to their rejection of Messiah.
· God is using Israel’s hardening to reach the world (Gentiles) with His Gospel AND to bring Israel to repentance
Bottom line:
God is faithful to His promises, even when we can’t see Him working.
God is sovereign and He is faithful - always.
Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
Is Jesus the Sovereign One in your world?
Is Jesus the Master of your life?


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