What a mighty God we serve - Psalm 90

I recently read Psalm 90, Moses' prayer to God, and in this prayer/Psalm we find a verse by verse revelation of some fascinating characteristics of God.  It is mind blowing to see how God can use the prayer of one of His servants, have it recorded in Scripture as the Spirit "carries him along," and through that personal prayer reveal more of Himself to us today.  For the sake of post length, I won't post the entire Psalm here, but I encourage you to read Psalm 90 on your own - it contains 17 verses.

Here are some notes I gleaned from this Psalm about who God is:

v.1) God is who we find our rest, comfort and peace in - His presence is our home.
v.2) God is the Almighty, everlasting Creator of all things. 
v.3) God says when a person dies - He holds life in His hand. 
v.4-6) God is not limited or bound by time.
v.7) God is Judge.
v.8) God sees all sins we commit.
v.9) God cursed the whole world in Genesis 3 - we live all our days under that curse.
v.10, 12) God makes good on the Genesis 3 curse - our life is cursed with troubles and ultimately death.  Even death for the strong.
v.11) God's judgment is not something to take lightly.
v.13) God is coming back to get us.
v.14) God is our satisfaction.
v.15) God is our gladness.
v.16) God has given us plenty of evidence of His glory and how He works.
v.17) God shows favor on His faithful people.
v.17) God provides us with meaning and purpose.

Knowing things like this about God should drive us to sing with the hymn writer - "What a Mighty God we serve!"


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