How to practically and biblically deal with depression.

Many today deal with depression and in the Christian world, its treated like a taboo subject - 'How can a Christian who is supposed to have peace and joy in Christ be depressed? That person must not be saved, or they must have some faith problem.'
Jesus dealt with His own sorrow and depression while on earth (ex. Matt.26:38).
How did Jesus deal with this in His own life? Matthew 26
John Piper offers a few ways and hopefully these are helpful to someone out there:

1) He chose His closest friends to be with Him (v.37)
2) He opened up to them (v.38)
3) He asked for their prayers and partnership in His battle (v.38)
4) He prayed openly to God the Father (v.39)
5) He rested in the fact that God was in total control (v.39)
6) He looked to the future glory and not the present pain (Hebrews 12:2)
Hopefully this helps someone today - pass it on to someone who may need it.


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