Overcoming Anxiety

In preparing a message over Thomas the disciple, it was brought to my attention that Thomas, although widely known as 'Doubting Thomas,' was more than just a doubter and worrier.  He was also a very dedicated disciple.  John 11 records for us that even considering the risk of returning to Jerusalem with Jesus (to be with Lazarus), which would mean sure danger and a threat on their lives, Thomas was ready and willing to accompany Him: "Let us also go, that we may die with Him." 
Thomas had his bold side, but as we know all too well, he also had a worrisome side.  Thomas dealt with anxiety when Jesus shared that He would soon be leaving them but that they knew where He would be going.  Thomas frantically wanted to know how they could possibly find Him when they, in his estimation, knew nothing!  Its also puzzling that when all the other disciples stayed locked away in the room after Christ's crucifixion, Thomas was nowhere to be found.  What was he doing?  Did his grief over the loss of Christ and his anxiety from the thought of going on without Him move Thomas to flee?  To wallow in depression?  To search for Jesus?  We will never know....
When we deal with our anxieties, as Thomas and many others deal with, we must have a biblical plan of attack or they (and Satan) will eat us alive.  Here are some practical, biblical steps:
1) Pray and pray often
2 Thess. 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing."  Ps. 55:22 - "Cast your cares on Him and He will sustain you."
2) Memorize Scripture (particularly Philippians 4:8)
-This particular passage tells us to meditate and think deeply on all things good, noble, trustworthy, righteous, etc.  The only way to do that is to have Scripture stored in our minds and hearts.  Scripture is our Sword (Eph. 6), our weapon in the battle for our minds.  Use it!
3) Don't face anxiety alone.
Thomas was overcome and missed Jesus when He first showed up because he wasn't with those who were closest to him during such a difficult time.  Jesus was gone, Thomas chose to go at it alone, and he missed Jesus.  1 Peter 5:8 says that Satan prowls around like a lion.  Lions seek out the weak prey that wander off on their own.  Christians, we must stick together with other Christians, especially when in a season of anxiety.
There is grace and strength in Christ.  Applying these practical principles to combat anxiety, along with coming to Christ for His grace in times when our faith is failing, will provide the necessary healing in fearsome times.


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